Simplest and important life Hack

hiieeee....You all must be good.It's been days since i posted something useful. Yesterday i was browisng something and i found this very helpful and useful.

We all face problems,difficulties,go through hard times, we get demotivated,stressed because of these problems. This post is to make you more resilient and identifying what you are,what your abilities are.

One simple and very important life hack which i have been following for a long time and which helps me avoid stress and overthinking whenever i screw up .

Looking things in a Broader Perspective
Here is you with your problem,hardships etc etc…

Sitting somewhere here..
On this planet.
Which looks like this…
Which is this large..
and they all together belong here ..
which in-turn is part of Universe containing thousands of galaxies.
Now where do we stand and where does our problems stand?????

So, whenever you feel pressurized or scared or face any problems, think of these pictures which may give you confidence that this issue or problem is too small to be worried for.

Basically your difficulties are not difficulties until you make them. It entirely depends on our perspective how we see things. For ex:- what do you see in the below picture
some of you may see it as the glass is empty but some of you will say it half full. Moreover it depends on our mentality and how we relate and see things. So face problems with confidence and in resilient way. Or sometimes let go the things about which you can not do anything.

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